to the
Vocal music
used to support
through the major
of birthing
and dying 
Victoria, B.C.
Bedside Singing (see
description below) services to support
those who are going through either of the
two primary life-passages
giving birth (for mothers
during labour and delivery) or
dying (at home, in a hospital, hospice
or other care facility). These
services are free
except where travel expenses are required,
or the request is for on-going regular Bedside

offers Bedside Singing
to groups
as participants prepare to use Bedside Singing
as one means of supporting their own loved
ones, or co-members of a community, in their
dying process. Please contact
us if your group/community is interested
in organizing a workshop.
Singing Workshop through DDNBC on
September 23rd for free -- registration
to top)

music to ease major life passages It
has often been said that "music is the universal
language". If
the new concept of "vibrating superstrings"
is the right metaphor for a Grand Unification
theory (i.e. foundation to all
existence) in physics, music may be the
natural language (at least, metaphorically)
of the Universe! Ever
since the dawn of our species, we have used music
to support the passages in and out of life
beyond the world of the Womb, and then beyond
the world of manifest life towards the Tomb. Perhaps
this is part of our instinctive heritage, for
some of the larger mammals also use vocalized
sound (though we might not consider
it music) to stand witness to their
dying or dead
whales and elephants, in particular.
fact, in ancient times, the village midwives cared
for both mothers giving birth and those who were
the two primary passages of life. Many
aboriginal cultures still use special chants and
drumming to aid the birthing and dying processes. Although
Western culture has mostly lost this tradition,
its remnants are in the chants and hymns that
are sung to support the soul's journey beyond
this world at funeral/memorial services. Still
for those who particularly enjoy singing, or know
that their loved one particularly enjoys listening
to it
it is often intuitive to sing to a dear one who
is dying, even if it isn't part of one's cultural
Lullabies are able to calm babies and young children
when nothing else can: it is surprising how many
of them are actually songs about death, suggesting
that our ancestors recognized the profound similarity
between birth and death! Mothers
often sing to their unborn children
they have always done so instinctively
but there has been recent confirmation that children
in the womb can hear the world beyond them. These
little ones are then comforted by the same songs,
once born into the world.
Recently, pregnant mothers have started using
as one of their labour and delivery techniques. It
acts as a form of meditation, helping them to
release tension and deepen their breathing. Teachers
of this practice claim that the "open throat"
of the vibration helps to open the birth canal. It
is likely that this is not an entirely new practice,
but rather the reclaiming of older ones in a more
modern situation.
Music has the ability to connect with an individual
long before, or after, verbal communication is
possible. In
both the dying and birthing processes, music can
speak to an individual's emotional/spiritual needs
offering a sense of a loving presence, cradling
their being, etc.; and in this sense, helps to
enchant/transition them beyond the pain
and fear they might be experiencing. In
the language of modern Spiritual Care, it is a
way of "journeying with the patient"
without distracting them from that journey; while,
at the same time, being able to support or redirect
it in a positive way.
to top)
of Bedside Singing
is a particular kind of vocal music, which is
usually unaccompanied (a cappella)
and done by one or two singers at a patient's
bedside (or other comfortable place). It
is not intended as entertainment
although it may provide some distraction from
pain or fear: on the other hand, familiar songs
from one's past may help to focus attention on
poignant life memories. More
often, Bedside Singing is used to ease
physical pain/restlessness/tension and support
whatever emotional or spiritual issues the individual
is journeying through
including apprehension about the dying process
and/or concern for those left behind. Although
recorded music can help in a similar way, it can't
provide the same kind of caring presence as Bedside
Singing; nor make the momentary adjustments
that a singer can in response to a loved one's
The repertoire of Bedside Singing includes
songs and chants that reinforce a sense of peace
and readiness to journey beyond
whether moving into the role of parent (for
birthing mothers) or coming to terms with
their death (for dying patients)
and the life issues that either evoke. The
imagery of the chants used draws upon simple metaphors
which are spiritual but generally not religion-specific,
unless hymns or other favourite songs are requested. Short
chants are most often used, as they can be sung
or hummed repeatedly as a form of meditation (lullaby-like)
helping the person to rest into the cradle
of the imagery, and/or continue whatever inner
journey they need to take.
with dying patients, the Bedside Singer reads
subtle signs in body or facial language in order
to assess whether the chosen melody or imagery
is appropriate, if/when they is not able to communicate
verbally. The
singer will also discuss the patient's particular
journey with the family members (when
available) or institutional staff (if
the patient is in a hospital or care home)
in order to determine what song/chant imagery
would be most supportive, or should be avoided. Sometimes
especially if the patient is sleeping or in a
the songs/chants chosen may focus more on offering
support to the family and friends, in their own
journeys as they come to terms with the
imminent death or birth.
The Bedside Singer may work with the patient in
hospices, hospitals, long-term care homes or at
home; and in partnership with a birth midwife/doula
or practitioner of death midwifwery, nurses or
counselors, chaplains or alternative health-care
to top)

HUGE thanks to Pashta for responding
to my immediate request for her
to sing my step-father on his transition
from this lifetime to whatever's
next on the evening of May 6th.
Pashta held my dad's hand for about
3 hours, singing gently and beautifully
and sincerely, songs of travelling
and voyaging and journeying fearlessly.
It was extremely
comforting and beautiful and I want
to thank Pashta profoundly for it.
The experience
is something I'll treasure always
when I reflect, with love, on my
father's gentle and peaceful passing.
(Janine Bandcroft)
visit the pages on Bedside
Singing for Birthing
Mothers or Dying
Loved Ones
for more specifics on the
use of Bedside Singing, in Victoria,
B.C., Canada,
for both the birthing and dying life-passages.
thanks to
Skeena hosting services
as well as
for on-line graphics services and backgrounds
for other backgrounds/textures
Galore for additional backgrounds and
Beyond, and
its sister-sites
Beyond and Journeying
Beyond, are sponsored by VIBES
(Vancouver Island Beyond-the-Everday Services)