
Home and Testimonial

Advance Care Planning
Advance Directives &
Representation Agreements

Death Midwifery
Pan-death services
(before/during/after death)

By My Own Heart and Hand
home funeral workshops

Funeral Celebrant
Ccnventional Burial, Green
Burial, or Cremation

4 Stages of Grieving
Modern Models of Grieving
Healthy Grieving

Grief/Death Poetry

About our DM
Pashta's background
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)Related Resources
for Victoria and B.C

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En~chanting Beyond
Bedside Singing services

E~merging Beyond

Mediation Services



On this page (click on the link below to jump to section)
Journeying Beyond
Home Page

Services for Victoria and
Vancouver Island
B.C., Canada, and Zoom
  Greetings and CINDEA
Journeying Beyond services
Workshops and Events


Greetings!   We hope that you will explore Journeying Beyond 's pages on Death Midwifery services, and 'end of life' (EOL) and Advance-care Plannng consultations, in Victoria, B.C.   All of the pages are listed on the left menu, as well as at the top and bottom of each page.   You can get more information about Death Midwifery and Home Funerals by visiting the CINDEA pages on The Pan-Death Movement, Death Midwifery, and the Post-death Care/Home Funerals.    

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Journeying Beyond 's Death Midwifery services include 'end of life' consultations (comprehensive Advance Directives and Representation Agreements, as well as basic information on Power of Attorney/etc. documents), support for the Death Journeyer and their families throughout the pan-death process, funeral plans, funeral and/or memorial celebrant services, and initial grief counselling.  'Home funeral' services including an educational workshop — "By My Own Heart and Hands" (see dates below) — reviewing all of the practical elements of post-death care, necessary paperwork, and final disposition arrangements.

The term "pan-death" refers to the whole process, pre/during/post death — including education/information on post-death care at home and required documentation, which are often referred to as a "home funeral".    The acronym 'DWENA' implies any and all options for 'Deathcare — Wholistic, Ecological, and/or Natural Alternatives'.   Please check out our new By My Own Heart and Hand home funerals workshop page.

Journeying Beyond services include support to Death Journeyers and their families through an 'elective death' choice of MAiD (Medical Aid in Dying) or VSED (Voluntary Stopping Eating and Drinking).   We cannot provide medical support; but will provide basic or access information, and emotional and/or ceremonial support.

If you are interested in Journeying Beyond 's Death Midwifery & ACP/EOL planning services in Victoria, B.C.,
or wish more information about these and related services,
please contact Pashta via email or call 250-383-4065 (available by phone, email or Skype).

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Workshops and Other Events

By My Own Heart and Hand


The fee is $300 but there is a discount of $25 if you sign up before the end of April 2024.   More information is available on CINDEA's BMOHAH page and Journeying Beyonds' By My Own Heart and Hand page.


Bedside Singing Workshop


"Returning to a Natural Ending" and 'What's in it for me'
Power Point presentations
These 2-hour presentations address Death Midwifery, home funerals, and green burial/disposition options.   They are available (by donation) for any group of any size in Victoria, or via Zoom.  Please contact us if you are interested in a presentation for your group.  Three-in-one sheet flyers available in PDF format.

Legacy Websites

Pashta really enjoys building simple legacy websites that is, websites of your own or a loved ones' art or artisan work, history, writings, etc. that last pre and post death.    This can be a delightful project, recapturing the richness of a life lead whther you are reviewing your own life's accomplishments or paying honour to those of a loved one.   

You can see the one she created for her mother at    She uses New Google Sites, which are free
but you can also choose to buy a domain for around $17 a year.   The cost to build the site depends on how many hours it takes, but is likely to cost between $50 and $300.


Post-death Directives

CINDEA has created a 23-page Post-death Directive covering everything that needs to be addressed for post-death decisions except for wills and legal/financial matters.   Please see the CINDEA homepage for photos of the front cover and the Table of Contents.   The Post-death Directive is digital, fillable in Adobe Reader (or other similar readers), and costs $22.


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By My Own Heart and Hand — basics in home funerals” workshop

CINDEA and Journeying Beyond co-sponsored the “By My Own Heart and Hand — basics in home funerals” workshop, has been training people to do home funerals since 2014.   This training session has been formerly offered in person, then online during COVID, and now revamped to be an online program.  It will now be accessible to all Canadians and others across the world.

A trick for easily washing the hair
A trick for easily washing the hair

This introductory workshop is primarily intended to help families in preparing for, and planning, a home funeral.   However, it is also an opportunity for alternative death-care practitioners to better understand the basics of a home funeral, as it might relate to the experience of their future clients — as well as being the practicum for Pan-death Guide students.

Navigating a staircase with a casket
Navigating a staircase with a casket

Shrouded in her grave
Shrouded in a green burial grave


Safely rolling the body onto its side
Safely rolling the body onto its side

 Washing the back of the body
Washing the back of the body

Lying in honour (home funeral/wake)



My family used Pashta MaryMoon's services before and after the recent passing of our mother.   While Pashta provides many services, for us, she was a support for both my mother and us children before the passing as well as after.    With her help we planned both my mom's woodland green burial funeral for close friends and family, as well as her ceremony — open to everyone — later that afternoon.   Pashta was the master of ceremonies for both events.

Death is not something I had very much experience with before my mother got ill.   Pashta's experience and level of comfort with the dying process made it easier for the entire family.   Her gentle nature helped us plan and organize an event no one looks forward to.   Her ability to bring our family together to organize in a way that worked for everyone was amazing.   The support she showed my mom in her final months was truly a blessing.   The support she showed me as I cared for my mom full-time leading up to her death gave me the strength and self belief to realize that I could really do this.

Pashta has an amazing way with people.   She made an effort to get to know as many friends and family as possible before the passing so she would be a familiar face at the funeral she was leading.   The funeral and Ceremony were beautiful, personal and deeply moving.   Pashta's kindness, support and help let our family be at peace before the passing and feel taken care of after.

From all of us we can't thank her enough for everything and would like to recommend her for anyone looking for a similar experience. (DS, daughter)

Pashta's wonderful, caring support and amazing knowledge regarding Home Funerals made our mother's home funeral a very special and intimate experience for our family and friends.   She made herself available to speak with other family members who were struggling with the concept of a home funeral.   Whenever there were questions or concerns, Pashta was always there with her never ending compassion.

She has definitely supported and guided our family to crossover the threshold of death and helped make it a beautiful, accepting, natural and real journey.    

We are very blessed and very grateful for her making this uncertain decision of doing a home funeral an everlasting final act of love for our beloved mother that we will always hold dear to our hearts.   After our mothers celebration of life and cremation, we all gathered and shared our experiences.   We all expressed the same sentiments of joy, love, amazement and courage that we managed to keep our mother at home and be so comfortable with it.   Thank you infinitely Pashta, (Deborah Magdee and Family)

A dear friend of our family had passed away recently and we were lucky enough to have Pashta assist us with a home funeral.   In an industry that usually blandly genericizes the grieving process, it was a privledge to have Pashta's (and co.) warm personal care and undeniable expertise alieviate the mystery and detachment that so many of the other conventional services can leave you feeling.   Her comprehensive and thorough guidance disarmed our what had been before natural reluctance to be involved with steps ordinarily only relegated to a funeral home. In its place, she provided an environment so comfortable that even our 13 year old son participated.  That very involvement produced a sense of closure that i now truly do not believe is possible with ANY other method. (Sean P, PoA and friend)













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Pashta MaryMoon, practitioner of death midwifery for Journeying Beyond, is also the director of CINDEA.
More information about pan-death care is available on that site, as well as seasonal updates on Canadian development —
contact CINDEA to sign up for the updates.  
Please visit (click on the name graphic below) for more information on Death Midwifery in Canada.


Pashta is a member of the National Home Funeral Alliance an extensive website addressing the Home Funeral movement in the U.S.A., although providing listings for alternative death-care practitioners both in the U.S.A. and other countries

DeathDoula International


Also, a member of the Death Doula Network International (formerly of BC) which offers 2 discussion groups and 2 workshops per month, and membership directory, and death-related products.



and was awarded Best Business Person in 2022 and 2025 for Esquimalt

alignable award

Our thanks to Skeena web services for hosting this site
We also acknowledge the use of the now defunct GRsitesprograms and backgrounds.

 Home  Advance Care Planning Death Midwifery Funeral Celebrant Grief   About our DM  Related Resources   Contact us   CINDEA